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(1 edit) (+1)

What a nice little generator concept!

However I cannot help myself to provide some suggestions as well.

You could rewrite some sentences to fit-in two more prompts. This is my attempt that does not change the mechanics at all, only adds climate change and passage of time.

One player is Time, the others are Species.

Species: describe yourselves.

Time decides:

- One species lives unchanged
- One evolves
- Rest extinct

Pass the Time role to next player.

Million years passes.
Climate changes.

Repeat twelve times.

Feel free to adapt.

Thanks! That's good stuff, these kinds of microgames are something I haven't really done before, so I'm not surprised a more experienced eye can find these optimizations. I am, however, happy enough with the current state of the game that I don't think I have the energy to go back to wrestle with Scribus to integrate them.